The 100 Club of Rhode Island is a charitable organization (501c3) that enhances and benefits the families of Law Enforcement and Fire Personnel within the State of Rhode Island.
The 100 Club is unorthodox, in that it has no clubroom, one part time employee, a small file cabinet for record keeping and only meets once a year. It has very few assets, but it does have a reserve of money and a reservoir of Good Deeds.
Our philosophies and practices are to assist Law Enforcement and Fire Personnel in times of need. Throughout the years, when death occurs to a member of these professions during on-duty hours we perform the following:
In the event of a death, we present a check for twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00) to the widow or widower within 24-48 hours for immediate needs. We also have a four-year scholarship program at three thousand dollars ($3,000.00) per year for five (5) Law Enforcement and five (5) Fire Personnel children of active professionals in the two respective fields.
The Board of Directors of the 100 Club meets quarterly and determines other benefits for both agencies on a one-time basis.
The 100 Club has been very successful in obtaining quality members who realize the need for continued support of Law Enforcement & Fire Personnel, who give so much of themselves to protect all of us each and every day.
All funds raised stay in Rhode Island for our local Law & Fire Communities.
We all have Friends and Family that are First Responders and if you believe in the cause, I sincerely hope you will consider joining this worthwhile organization.
If there is any way I can assist you or if you have any questions, please feel free to reach out.
Michael Bestwick
The 100 Club of Rhode Island
401-219-4400 cell